ERM® Reference Materials


European Reference Materials (ERM) 

  • Environment– polycyclic aromatic compounds, nitropolycyclic and oxygenated aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls (for purity), soils sludge, sediments, biological material, water, waste
  • Occupational hygiene– filter media, charged tubes with Tenax or charcoal
  • Water and food microbiology– milk powder
  • Food and agriculture– dairy products, alcohol, GMO standards, meat, cereals, vegetables, oils, fat, fish, mussels, animal feed, seeds
  • Clinical chemistry – plasma, serum, body liquids, blood
  • Physical properties – heat transmission, particle size, surface area, properties of films and surfaces, linewidth measurements, color measurements, mechanical properties
  • Industrial raw materials and products– ores, fuels, gas, oil, metals, semiconductors, plastics, glass, ceramics, fertilizers the method.