Sales demonstration kits
- AT Visual series water softener demo kit
- ATQ Digital series water softener demo kit
Demonstration softeners
- Model S demonstration water softener
- Duosoft demonstration water softener
- DirectFlo softener
- DirectFlo duosoft
Combination outfits
- ColorQ DW test kit
- Model AR-02 drinking water test kit
- Model AR-42 drinking water test kit
Individual test kits
- Alkalinity; Arsenic
- Chlorine; Chlorine bleach; Coliform; Copper
- Hardness
- Iron
- Lead
- Manganese
- Nitrate Nitrogen
- pH
- Sulfate; Sulfide
- Tannin
MIcrobiological testing
- Iron related bacteria test-IRB-BART
- Sulfate reducing bacteria test-SRB-BART
- Slime forming bacteria-SLYM-BART
- Heterotrophic aerobic bacteria-HAB-BART
- Total coliform test kit for drinking water
- Total coliform/ E-coli indicator bacteria test kit
Test Strips
- Insta-TEST Alkalinity test strips
- Free chlorine low range test strips
- Total chlorine low range test strips
- Free chlorine high range test strips
- Total chlorine test strips
- Hardness low range test strips
- Insta-TEST Iron test strip
- pH wide range test strips
- Peracetic test strips
- Peracetic acid high range test strips
- Peracetic acid low range test strips
- Insta-TEST peroxide test strips
- Insta-TEST drinking water test strip
- Insta-test free and total chlorine test strips
- Insta-test 6 way drinking water test strips
- Insta-test copper and iron test strip kit
- Insta-TEST wide range total chlorine and pH test strips
- Insta-TEST total chlorine,pH, total hardness and iron test kit
- Nitrate and nitrite test strips
- Insta-test 5-way test strips