Individual test kits
- Acidity; Alkalinity;Aluminum;Ammonia Nitrogen;Arsenic
- Bleach;Bromine
- Cadmium;Calcium Hardness; Carbon dioxide;Caustic;Chelant; Chloride;Chlorine;Chromate;Chromium; Coliform; Copper;Cyanide
- DEHA;Detergants;Dissolved Oxygen
- Formaldehyde
- Hardness;Hydrogen peroxide
- Iodine;Iron
- Laed
- Manganese; Molydate/ Molybdeum
- Nitrate Nitrogen; Nitrite Nitrogen;Nitrate, Sodium
- Oxygen, Dissolved
- Peractic acid/Hydrogen peroxide; pH; Phosphate; Phosponate; Polyphosphates; Polyquat; Potassium
- Salinity;SDMBT;Silica; Sodium; Sodium Nitrite; Sulfate; Sulfide; Sulfite
- Tannin/Lignin; THPS; Tolcide PS Biocide; Total Dissolved Solids; Turbidity
- Zinc
Combination outfits
- Laundry outfit-Model LDR
- P Alkalinity, Chlorine and hardness warewash kit
- Laundry fabric test kit
- Chlorine bleach test kit
Test strips
- Dual range QAC test strips
- Insta-TEST Borate test strips
- Chlorine dioxide low range test strip
- Chlorine dioxide test strip
- Free chlorine low range test strips
- Total chlorine low range test strips
- Total chlorine test strips
- Free chlorine high range test strips
- Insta-TEST copper test strips
- Hardness low range test strips
- Insta-TEST Peroxide test strips
- Low range hydrogen peroxide test strips
- Low range Molybdenum test kit
- pH Wide range test strips
- Peracetic acid test strips
- Peracetic acid low range test strips
- Peracetic acid high range test strips
- Insta-TEST low range phosphate test strips
- Dual range QAC test strips
- Insta-TEST Copper and iron test strip kit
- Insta-TEST Wide range total chlorine & pH test strips
- Nitrate and nitrite test strips
- Insta-test 5-Way test strips
Test papers
- Chlorine test papers
- Iodine test papers
- QAC Test pepers
- High range QAC test papers
Microbiological Testing
- Nutrient agar(NA)
- Sabouraud dextrose agar (SAB)
- Tryptic soy agar (TSA) and rose bengal chloramphenicol agar (RB)
- Nutrient- TTC agar (NUT-TTC) and MacConkey agar (MAC)