SpinSR10 Spinning Disk Confocal Super Resolution Microscope



  • Higher Level of Super Resolution
  • Live Cell Super Resolution Imaging
  • See Inside Your Samples in Super Resolution
  • A Flexible System that Helps Simplify Your Research
  • Powerful, Intuitive Image Analysis
Super Resolution/Confocal Configuration Confocal Configuration*
Laser Lines 405 nm: 50 mW, 445 nm: 75mW, 488 nm: 100 mW, 514 nm: 40mW, 561 nm: 100 mW, 640 nm: 100 mW
Laser Combiner Main combiner: 405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, 640 nm + 1 line (445 nm or 514 nm)
Sub combiner: 445 nm, 514 nm
2x Interlock shutter available
Laser Light Control Direct Modulation by U-RTCE, ultra-fast ON/OFF control and intensity modulation with individual laser lines, continuously variable (0 % – 100 %, 1 % increments)
Scanner Yokogawa CSU-W1 Single 50 μm pinhole disk, 1 or 2 camera model
Super Resolution imaging Acquisition Speed (max) 5ms/f
Optical Zoom 3.2 X
Optical Resolution 120 nm**
Field Number 5.9
Standard Resolution Imaging Acquisition Speed (max) 5ms/f
Optical Zoom 1 X
Field Number 18.8
Dichromatic Mirror 3 position (motorized slider)
Filter Wheel  (emission) 10 position (motorized wheel)
Imaging Sensor HAMAMATSU ORCA Flash 4.0 V3 (CameraLink)
Microscope Motorized Microscope Inverted IX83
Motorized Stage IX3-SSU
Super Resolution Adapter Confocal/Super Resolution Lightpath Changer (Motorized)
Workstation PC OS: Windows 10 Professional  64-bit
Imaging Software cellSens Dimension Multi-Dimensional Acquisition and analyiss
Super Resolution Imaging Module

* Confocal configuration is the system w/o super resolution function, able to upgrade to super resolution/confocal configuration

** Typical experimental FWHM values with UPLSAPO100XS, 100nm diameter beads at 488nm excitation